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Month: February 2021

Blinded by HATRED brahmin ntro employee puneet committed Rs one crore FINANCIAL FRAUD on the goa 1989 jee topper since 2010, faking help

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The indian and state governments continue to falsely claim that the financial fraud of more than Rs one crore committed on the goa 1989 jee topper by the well paid ntro/raw/cbi employees led by mhow monster puneet is help, when she has suffered great financial losses due to the MISUSE of her name, criminal defamation, theft of savings by the fraud liar ntro/raw/cbi employees who HATE her

One of the greatest domain fraudsters in the world is the Fraud greedy gujju stockbroker R&AW employee asmita patel, who has never invested any money in more than two domains in her life yet was helped by her brahmin fraud boyfriend mhow monster ntro employee puneet in committing Rs 15 lakh annual FINANCIAL FRAUD on goa 1989 jee topper, who was actually spending money on 400+ domains annually and not getting anything, while greedy gujju fraud asmita patel got a monthly raw salary only for making FAKE CLAIMS of domain ownership at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper since 2013

Though the financial fraud on the goa 1989 jee topper is more than Rs 1 crore,the indian and specifically the goan, maharashtra government has refused to end the financial fraud and continues to make fake claims about maharashtra’s greatest fraud greedy gujju stockbroker R&AW employee asmita patel who does not pay or control any domain, yet shamelessly and falsely claims to own the domains with news of her Rs 1 crore online fraud, and is supported by google, tata in her Rs one crore fraud on the goa 1989 jee topper.

This is posted as a fraud alert, so that people, companies and countries are aware that raw/cbi are openly involved in a massive FINANCIAL FRAUD on indian citizens, especially single older women, domain investors

To keep top ntro employee j srinivasan happy, google, tata PIMPS are spreading false rumors about goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan

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Though the slim goan bhandari R&AW employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan does no computer work, her google, tata PIMPS DUPE levis that the panaji call girl, only a SEX EXPERT, who does not spend money on domains, owns domains including this one, resulting in levis jeans ads being shown to a person who does not wear jeans

Though the slim panaji goan bhandari RAW employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan is least interested in doing any kind of computer work, ntro, raw, cbi, google, tata PIMPS, fraud liar goan bhandari officials led by pritesh chodankar have been running india’s biggest SEX RACKET are allegedly falsely claiming that the slim goan bhandari fraud raw employee supplied to ntro, raw, cbi employees for SEX, and who does not do any computer work, does not invest any money in domains is a domain investor to give the goan bhandari call girl great powers, monthly raw salary at the expense of the single woman engineer, real domain investor
To cover up slim panaji goan bhandari RAW employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan financial, domain ownership FRAUD, ntro, raw, cbi, google, tata PIMPS, fraud liar goan bhandari officials led by pritesh chodankar are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the real domain investor and DUPING countries, companies and people with their complete lies about the goan bhandari call girl sunaina, who does not pay for or manage any domain including this one like her brahmin sugar daddies in ntro like j srinivasan, mhow monster puneet

The latest levis new fits, infinite possibilities , ad features a look alike of ntro, raw, cbi’s favorite sex service provider goan bhandari sunaina chodan, who they falsely claim owns domains, to avoid paying the goan call girl fees from their excellent salary while CRIMINALLY DEFAMING, CHEATING, EXPLOITING the real domain investor, who is making great losses because of the goan sex racket since 2012
To keep top ntro employee j srinivasan happy, google, tata PIMPS are spreading false rumors about goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, since they are aware that j srinivasan is infatuated with goan bhandari sunaina chodan

madhya pradesh is aware that Apostek director puneet has never contacted the goa 1989 jee topper, yet repeats his lies to get indore ROBBER housewife deepika a monthly government salary FAKING her resume, savings

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In one of the greatest relationship, FINANCIAL EDUCATIONAL FRAUDS in india the LIAR madhya pradesh is aware that Apostek director puneet has never contacted the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer who puneet hates,. yet allegedly repeats his lies to get indore ROBBER housewife deepika a monthly government salary FAKING her resume, savings since 2010

The apostek director has refused to reply to all requests for clarifications since 2010, yet is allegedly MISUSING the name of the goa 1989 jee topper , his btech 1993 ee classmate who he HATES, and is falsely claiming that his indore girlfriend deepika, who never answered JEE has the resume, savings of the single woman engineer to get deepika a monthly raw salary

The single woman engineer is protesting loudly against the fraud of the apostek director puneet, madhya pradesh, indian government, yet the indian government shows its complete lack of ethics, humanity and honesty, making fake claims about the greedy shameless bespectacled indore robber housewife deepika who robbed and betrayed her sister, the goa 1989 jee topper DUPING companies, countries and people with fake stories of indore’s greatest robber deepika, only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband mahesh, who does no computer work at all

Though his real schooldropout girlfriend naina chandan is only COOKING breakfast, her powerful LIAR brahmin boyfriend puneet is DUPING companies, countries, people

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Powerful brahmin LIAR ntro employee puneet DUPING people, companies and countries with fake stories of computer work though his real girlfriend panaji sindhi scammer schooldropout cbi employee naina chandan COOKING breakfast for her crooked family in a clear case of LABOR LAW VIOLATIONS,

One of the greatest frauds of the goan and indian government is how it is refusing to accept the fact that panaji sindhi scammer schooldropout cbi employee naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, is the real girlfriend of Powerful brahmin LIAR ntro employee puneet DUPING people, companies and countries with fake stories of his school dropout girlfriend naina, who like his other girlfriends sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar does no computer work, to get her and her fraud sons a monthly cbi/raw salary at the expense of his btech 1993 ee classmate, a single woman engineer who puneet HATES

The powerful brahmin fraud puneet, director of a bengaluru company is aware that his real girlfriend panaji sindhi scammer schooldropout cbi employee naina chandan is only COOKING breakfast for her crooked family in the morning , yet being a shameless,cunning LIAR, FRAUD and excellent actor, the cruel, inhuman brahmin ntro employee puneet is duping people, companies and countries while criminally defaming the single woman actually spending her time

before government agencies harass the domain investor for this and other content, they should answer why liar government employees like puneet are making up fake stories of computer work, criminally defaming private citizens

Tieup between fraud liar shivalli brahmin officials and greedy goan bhandari fraud officials like pritesh chodankar to CRIMINALLY DEFAME, CHEAT, EXPLOIT,DESTROY the life of the goa 1989 jee topper

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One of the reasons why the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer has found it extremely difficult to get any kind of justice despite being subject to CRIMINAL DEFAMATION, CHEATING, EXPLOITATION, SKILLS FRAUD, TRADE SECRET ROBBERY, labor law violations since 2010, is because there is a Tieup between fraud liar shivalli brahmin officials and greedy goan bhandari fraud officials like pritesh chodankar to CRIMINALLY DEFAME, CHEAT, EXPLOIT,DESTROY the life of the goa 1989 jee topper, get raw/government jobs for lazy fraud women from both communities like brahmin nayanshree hathwar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, her sisters piyu, purvi, cousin teji FAKING computer work, domain investment, at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper, who was criminally defamed in the worst possible manner

Like the other fraud raw/cbi employees, fraud liar shivalli brahmin officials and greedy goan bhandari fraud officials like pritesh chodankar are ROBBING all the data of the goa 1989 jee topper, a hardworking single woman engineer, from the poor bhandari community of karwar/kumta who has no one to defend or help her against the LIAR officials, CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the single woman in the worst manner, and then falsely claiming that the computer work is done by lazy greedy fraud goan bhandari, shivalli brahmin women, who do not spend any time doing computer work, do not invest any money, to get all these fraud women monthly government salaries at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper

Bank details, income tax returns will legally prove that the shivalli brahmin/goan bhandari fraud liar women have no online income at all, no online investment, yet indicating high levels of fraud in the indian internet sector, google, tata have ensured that the indian and state governments do not check the bank details of the lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees faking domain ownership, bank account since 2010 though they get monthly government salaries for falsely claiming to own domains, bank account

Brahmin mhow monster ntro employee puneet is infatuated with goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, yet indian, goa government remains in denial

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There is a very popular phrase :” actions speak louder than words” yet indian, goa government remains in denial that Brahmin mhow monster ntro employee puneet is infatuated with goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan and is doing everything possible to make her rich and powerful at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper, his btech 1993 ee classmate, a single woman engineer who puneet HATES
Being extremely cunning, the Brahmin mhow monster ntro employee puneet is aware that he can help his sugar baby sunaina to the greatest extent, only by CHEATING, EXPLOITING, ROBBING the goa 1989 jee topper who he HATES, so he is FALSELY CLAIMING that he is doing everything to help the single woman, when actually he is doing everything possible to destroy her life completely
Since 2012, mhow monster puneet, j srinivasan, other raw/cbi/ntro employees have done everything to destroy the life of the goa 1989 jee topper, subjecting her to TRADE SECRET ROBBERY, SKILLS FRAUD, labor law violations, human rights abuses, criminal defamation, mental torture in the worst manner, denying her the fundamental rights which every other citizen has.
Yet indicating the worsening status of educated women in India, the indian, goa government continues to falsely claiming that human rights abuses, criminal defamation, trade secret ROBBERY, are all help and refuses to end the fraud. The series of websites would not have been started if the indian, goan and other government was honest that mhow monster puneet, HATED the goa 1989 jee topper, and did not allow him to HARASS, TORTURE her, wasting taxpayer money