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Month: February 2024

After his relationship fraud to commit FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY was exposed,cruel brahmin cheater puneet increases his human rights abuses

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After his massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY since 2010 was exposed, cruel cunning cheater top government employee puneet commits human rights abuses daily
The powerful cruel cunning cheater top government employee puneet hated his female btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay , so to destroy her life completely he FAKED help to commit FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY , robbing her data to make fake claims about his lazy greedy liar girlfriends, associates getting them lucrative no work, no investment jobs in the indian internet sector at the expense of his female classmate.
While initially the gullible single woman engineer believed all the fake rumors, it is now clear that the cruel cunning cheater top government employee puneet HATED the single woman and wanted to destroy her reputation, health completely, so he faked help only misuse her name, cheat, exploit, rob her to the maximum extent possible.
After the single woman has wasted a lot of time exposing the financial fraud, government SLAVERY, finally a few people are realizing that powerful puneet is a very cunning cheater and he never helped the single woman at all. It appears that the cruel cunning cheater top government employee puneet is very upset that his extremely lucrative government SLAVERY racket is exposed and he is causing insomnia to the single woman engineer daily, not allowing her to sleep at night using the latest torture equipment to destroy her health.
Anyone who can help end the human rights abuses of cruel cunning cheater top government employee puneet , please contact at