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Taking advantage of government corruption, some people are telling the police that their classmates who they dislike are involved in terrorist activities

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Inspired by the greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel’s EXTORTION RACKET, US resident files fake terrorist police complaint against his classmate
The top government employees especially from the btech 1993 ee class from iit bombay hated their female classmate, a harmless single woman engineer, so to destroy her life completely these cheater government employees, j srinivasan ( roll no, 438), puneet ( roll . no. 435), tushar parekh, vijay and others falsely labelled her a security threat, making completely fake allegations that she was involved in illegal activities, so that they could rob her resume, savings, data, correspondence and get all their lazy greedy girlfriends like panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar,goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro,haryana human monster ruchita kinge, indore cheater housewife deepika/veena , greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel , california gsb architect kalpana nayak and other fraud raw/cbi employees no work, no investment government jobs in the internet sector j
So though indore cheater housewife deepika/veena, greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel and other fraud raw/cbi employees do not spend any money on domains because these cheaters are making fake security threat allegations, the indian government is blindly believing all these LIARS to waste tax payer money paying them monthly salary, while the corrupt security agencies continue to criminally defame, cheat, exploit, rob the single woman engineer, denying her fundamental rights and causing great financial losses
Though the domain fraudster greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel has never paid for domains like her cheater boyfriend and other fraud raw/cbi employees like indore fraud housewife deepika/veena she is getting a monthly government salary only for making FAKE ALLEGATIONS, running an extortion racket, and this is well known worldwide, so now others are following their footsteps falsely labelling people they do not like as terrorists
Us resident, originally from ahmedabad did not like his school classmate, so he contacted the police and told them that his classmate was involved in terrorist activities. Hindustan times carried this story, they refuse to carry the true story of how the extremely cruel cunning cheater government employees from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay has been making fake allegations against their female classmate since 2010, to destroy her reputation and life.

blinded by LUST LIAR top indian government employees making FAKE CLAIMS about their favorite SEX service provider naina premchandani

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In one of the greatest SEX SCANDALS in india, kolhapur/panaji sindhi school dropout housewife cbi employee naina premchandani, SEX SERVICE PROVIDER for top indian government employees like parmar, nikhil shah, tushar parekh, puneet allegedly faking a btech 1993 ee degree from iit bombay to get a monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman engineer who has actually studied engineering, invested money in domains
Blinded by their LUST for kolhapur/panaji sindhi school dropout cbi employee naina premchandani, SEX SERVICE PROVIDER, LIAR top indian government employees like parmar, nikhil shah, tushar parekh, puneet have been shamelessly making fake claims about the kolhapur/panaji sindhi school dropout cbi employee naina premchandani, illegally married at 16 , her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil to get their sindhi sex queen naina, her scammer sons , government jobs faking naina’s resume, their bank, paypal, bank account, domain ownership at the expense of the real domain investor
To cover up their job for SEX racket, the top indian government employees like parmar, nikhil shah, tushar parekh, puneet are criminally defaming the real domain investor, the btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay of puneet, tushar parekh, a single woman engineer, who these top government employees HATE

faking help, friendship with his female classmate who he actually HATED, was the greatest fraud of liar top government employee puneet

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One of the greatest ONLINE FRAUDS of liar top government employee puneet is how he was able to FAKE help and friendship with his female btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay who he actually HATED to DUPE companies, countries and people worldwide, destroying her life completely
The cheater puneet who is an excellent actor called dev anand in college was a very CUNNING CHEATER, he was aware that he would not be able to cause much harm if he was honest about his hatred
So using his great acting skills, charm he ran a massive online, FINANCIAL FRAUD, DUPING people, companies and countries with fake stories about his friendship with the single woman who he HATED, and never contacted any time at all so that he could rob everything from her, and make his real lazy greedy girlfriends like haryana human monster ruchita kinge, greedy gujju amita patel , extremely rich and powerful, get them no work, no investment government jobs
Now the single woman engineer finds that everyone, including the government blindly believes the complete lies of cheater puneet who is robbing everything from her , and finds it extremely difficult to end the fraud, since he and his associates have also criminally defamed her in the worst manner.

After she became more powerful goan sexpionage specialist siddhi mandrekar broke up with her boyfriend

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The domain investor has been closely monitoring the 10-15 greedy fraud raw/cbi employees who have destroyed her life, robbed her resume to get no work, no investment indian government jobs after criminally defaming, cheating, exploiting, robbing her.

It appears that greedy goan SEXPIONAGE SPY raw employee siddhi mandrekar has become extremely powerful in the last few years, and she is keeping all her social media profiles private or deleting them.
In 2014 greedy goan SEXPIONAGE SPY raw employee siddhi mandrekar was comparatively junior, and she post a lot of photos regularly, including one photo of her being kissed by her two boyfriends simultaneously , going on a picnic with her multiple boyfriends

Due to her identity theft on the domain investor with the help of her powerful sugar daddy puneet, she was also able to get a job in state bank of india, SBI for one of her boyfriends. Now it appears that greedy goan SEXPIONAGE SPY raw employee siddhi mandrekar has ditched the boyfriend ankit, and she has kept her social media profile private, so it is difficult to get more information. Even her mother has kept her facebook profile private

Government agencies humiliate, EXPLOIT goa 1989 jee topper, falsely giving goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan credit

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Despite having a much better 1989 JEE rank than google ceo sundar pichai making more than $200 million annually , the domain investor has almost no business income because of the extortion racket of fraud indian security agencies making 100% fake allegations without any proof at all since 2010 to get their favorite goan CALL GIRLS siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan and others great powers, monthly government salary . CIA, google are allegedly involved in the extortion racket.

Since shameless indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google,tata, infosys, cognizant do not want to pay the goan CALL GIRLS,bribes from their million dollar profits, they are ruthlessly CHEATING, EXPLOITING, ROBBING small online business owners like the domain investor and falsely claiming that the call girls, relatives and friends of top indian government employees like goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro who do not purchase domains, own this and other domains to get them monthly salaries at the expense of the real domain investor, who is making great losses

The domain investor only has some of her savings from before 2011, she is making a loss every year since then. Yet cia, united states continue to HUMILIATE, CHEAT, EXPLOIT, ROB her , falsely associating cia’s favorite fraud CALL GIRL raw employee panaji goan bhandari cheater sunaina chodan when goan bhandari fraud sunaina chodan, her relatives CHEATER chodankar, naik all HATE the single woman engineer, have CRIMINALLY DEFAMED her for the last 10 years to destroy her reputation, denying the single woman the income and opportunities she deserved

Like other cia stooges raw employee ruchita kinge, goan bhandari raw employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan has also worked for us company compune and is supported by cia, united states in all her frauds
In all communities lke the gsbs, shivalli brahmins, gujjus, sindhis, the officials, leaders will support engineers with good JEE rank, the goan bhandaris have been extremely vicious in destroying the life of the domain investor, goa 1989 jee topper, so there is no reason why the indian government should falsely give credit, monthly government salary to goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan who is not on talking terms with the domain investor.

Cunning brahmin cheater puneet fake help fraud in 2010-2012 ruined the domain investor’s life

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Usually when a person is falsely accused, their family member or a true well wisher will help them, and will be able to prove that the person is innocent if there is no evidence against the person
In case of the domain investor, engineer, she was cursed that the Cunning brahmin cheater government employee puneet who actually HATED her was allowed to fake help, interfere in her life, so that she was not allowed to defend herself directly and prove that she was innocent.
the cheater puneet who actually HATED her, was extremely cunning in blindly believing in and rewarding all those who were making fake allegations without any proof at all, he never contacted the single woman and did not give her any opportunity to defend herself
Finding that criminally defaming the single woman was very lucrative, a large number of people were making fake allegations to ruin her reputation completely and the fake allegations were used to cheat, exploit, rob the single woman, run a massive government SLAVERY racket
Instead of having pity on the single woman who was falsely accused, cheated, exploited, robbed, tortured based only on FAKE ALLEGATIONS, suffered greatly, the government agencies continue their atrocties on the single woman to cheat, exploit, rob her for the rest of her life

Greedy goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro is FAKING her relationship with goa 1989 jee topper, whose reputation her family destroyed

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Dr. Govind Sharma, retired IAS, has written an excellent book “Breakup clinic” on relationships, especially for people who are cheated or exploited.
In the book, the experts clearly state that if a person causes another person harm or hurts the person, the person does not value the relationship, and the victim should never deal with the person who caused harm
One of the most shocking aspects of the entire identity theft racket is how aggressive and ruthless Greedy goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro is in faking her resume, online income, bank account and domain ownership, falsely claiming to be associated with the goa 1989 jee topper, a harmless single woman engineer whose life she and her fraud family, especially her fraud father nayak, husband CHEATER caro destroyed with their endless slander
Though the domain investor, engineer was in goa for 9 years, the Greedy goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro never contacted her, and her fraud family was extremely ruthless in slandering the single woman. Yet being extremely greedy , goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro continues to fake her relationship with the single woman engineer she ruthlessly cheated, exploited, robbed and never contacted directly.

The Nikki Yadav case, shows why raw/cbi employees should forget working with the domain investor in future

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Though no one has contacted or helped the domain investor since 2010, the raw/cbi employees continue to closely monitor her, thinking they can force her to work for them at a very low rate
The raw/cbi employees are being very unrealistic, since they are expecting the person whose life they have ruined completely for the last 13 years with their vicious SLANDER , cheating her of more than Rs 15 lakh annually to help them.
The brutal death of Nikki Yadav by her boyfriend Sahil Gehlot shows that pressure or forcing a person cannot change the relationship. Sahil Gehlot wanted to end his relationship, so he decided to marry another woman. Nikki Yadav objected and she was brutally killed, strangled to death
The raw/cbi employees showed that they did not care for the single woman, when they committing banking, online, financial fraud on her, making her work very hard for very less money, while slandering her in the worst manner and getting very good salaries for themselves
Yet showing how greedy and selfish the raw/cbi employees are,they still expect the woman whose life they destroyed to continue working for them. It is time government agencies are realistic, and leave the citizens they have falsely accused alone.

Nikki Yadav case shows that one sided relationships have no future

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Though no one has contacted or helped the domain investor since 2010, the raw/cbi employees continue to closely monitor her, thinking they can force her to work for them at a very low rate
The raw/cbi employees are being very unrealistic, since they are expecting the person whose life they have ruined completely for the last 13 years with their vicious SLANDER , cheating her of more than Rs 15 lakh annually to help them.
The brutal death of Nikki Yadav by her boyfriend Sahil Gehlot shows that pressure or forcing a person cannot change the relationship. Sahil Gehlot wanted to end his relationship, so he decided to marry another woman. Nikki Yadav objected and she was brutally killed, strangled to death
The raw/cbi employees showed that they did not care for the single woman, when they committing banking, online, financial fraud on her, making her work very hard for very less money, while slandering her in the worst manner and getting very good salaries for themselves
Yet showing how greedy and selfish the raw/cbi employees are,they still expect the woman whose life they destroyed to continue working for them. It is time government agencies are realistic, and leave the citizens they have falsely accused alone.

MEMORY ROBBERY using wireless technology used to FAKE RELATIONSHIPS

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One of most horrific human rights abuses in india is how the ROBBED MEMORY of harmless private citizens is used to FAKE RELATIONSHIPS and get lucrative no work no investment government jobs for the rich and powerful
For example the panaji greedy goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro like most other raw/cbi employees is only COOKING> CLEANING for her crooked husband < does no computer work at all
Yet giving the fake excuse of national security her CYBERCRIMINAL HUSBAND CHEATER caro is stealing all the MEMORY of the harmless single woman engineer without a legally valid reason using wireless technology
then abusing his powers CHEATER caro working in security agencies is falsely claiming that the single woman engineer is working with his CRUEL CUNNING CHEATER LIAR wife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, when it can be legally proved that cbi employe ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, has never interacted or met the single woman engineer only RUTHLESSLY ROBBED the harmless single woman engineer to get a monthly government salary, great powers and is supported by the tech and internet companies allegedly led by google,tata in her CYBERCRIME
So this exposes how the rich and powerful goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro are misusing MEMORY ROBBERY using WIRELESS TECHNOLOGIES to FAKE their relationship with hardworking powerless citizens, causing insomnia daily, reducing their productivity greatly and causing weight gain