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Month: March 2022

Though LIAR government employees have never contacted goa 1989 jee topper, government continues with its FINANCIAL FRAUD on single woman engineer, making fake claims

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Government refuses to acknowledge that its well paid LIAR employees had never contacted the single woman domain investor, engineer anytime
In a clear case of government FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY the government agencies are making fake allegations against a single woman engineer, domain investor, falsely linking her with greedy LIAR government employees who have never contacted her, HATE her and have done everything to destroy her life
The liar government agencies are falsely claiming that the savings, investment of the single woman belong to their well paid employees when there is no connection at all, and the single woman engineer can legally prove that the fraud government employees have never contacted her anytime in their life, they are strangers

greedy married women,young scammers do not realize that the single woman they cheated, exploited, robbed will not tolerate cheating further

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One of the major problems in the indian internet sector, is that top officials and companies think that the single woman they cheated, exploited, robbed for more than 12 years, will continue working hard,take the risk and innovate, so that they can benefit.
However greedy married women,young scammers do not realize that the single woman they cheated, exploited, robbed will not tolerate cheating further, she is tired of being CHEATED, EXPLOITED, humiliated and is demotivated
Pampered and rewarded by her powerful fraud sugar daddies, indian tech and internet companies, greedy haryana scammer ruchika king thinks that the money comes automatically, she does not realize that the hardworking single woman she has ruthlessly robbed is DEMOTIVATED and is least interested in the latest internet trends which will make more money
So while the ad network was asked to pay twice in march to inflate the revenues, in april the revenues are very low, so greedy ruchika who is falsely claiming to own the business, is showing her young daughter working on the laptop to cover up her business ownership fraud.