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More searches for naina chandwani concubine government

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It appears that naina chandwani is the name of an extremely powerful concubine of government employees and a large number of people are searching on bing for various related terms, which are then autofilled like
naina chandwani concubine government of india
naina chandwani concubine government of maharashtra
naina chandwani concubine governor general of india
naina chandwani concubine governor
naina chandwani concubine bihar governor
Online content is highly censored in india, so almost no website or blog has correct information, so if any has information on naina chandwani concubine, please send email to

OBC/bhandari officials/leaders do not have the honesty and humanity to question the government fake friendship fraud

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One of the greatest educational, financial frauds, slavery rackets in india is how well paid liar top government employees are faking friendship with single women engineers having a good JEE rank to rob their resume, data and get their real girlfriends and associates, lucrative no work no investment central government jobs in the indian internet sector, faking online income, domain ownership, using robbed data.

In reality the well paid liar top government employees hate the real domain investor,and are not interested in contacting her at all, yet because resume robbery in the indian internet sector to get government jobs is very lucrative, they are faking friendship, making up fake stories which the incompetent government agencies blindly believe.

Since the well paid government employees are actually strangers, they do not have any right to rob the resume, data of the single woman engineer who they hate, criminally defame, denying her the income and opportunities she deserved, causing great losses, yet the OBC/bhandari officials/leaders do not have the honesty and humanity to question the government fake friendship fraud since 2010, why the well paid LIAR top government employees are FAKING friendship when they do not want to contact the single woman engineer who they hate at all

Though the liar top indian government employees have not contacted the domain investor, government blindly believes their lies

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If anyone really wishes to contact any other citizen they can do so, especially if they are living in the same state or country.
One of the most shocking aspects of the government online, financial fraud, slavery, digital arrest racket on some online investors, workers, is how the government agencies are blindly believing their liar employees when they are faking friendship with the real domain investor, migrant from north karnataka to rob her resume, datat and get 10-15 lazy greedy liar girlfriends and associates like ruchika kinge, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, amita patel lucrative no work, no investment government jobs in the internet sector.

In reality the well paid liar top government employees hate the real domain investor,and are not interested in contacting her at all, yet because resume robbery to get government jobs is very lucrative, they are faking friendship, making up fake stories which the incompetent government agencies blindly believe.

Since the well paid government employees are actually strangers, they do not have any right to rob the resume, data of the single woman engineer who they hate, criminally defame, denying her the income and opportunities she deserved, causing great losses.

to ensure that single woman professionals they HATE do not get married, LIAR top indian government employees FAKE FRIENDSHIP

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Led by the bengaluru brahmin cheater puneet fraud liar top indian government employees FAKE FRIENDSHIP for older single women professionals who they HATE because
– they rob her resume, data repeatedly to get all their lazy greedy fraud real girlfriends, associates like bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree lucrative central government jobs without doing any work, without investing any money while denying the single woman professional the income and opportunities she deserved
– all the enemies of the government employees will attack the single woman to destroy her reputation completely, cause losses
– to commit horrific human rights abuses using wireless technology without getting a court order
– she will not get married, because most people will believe the lies of the top government employees FAKING FRIENDSHIP, making it very difficult for her to get help or lead a normal life later in life,
In reality the cunning cruel cheater top government employees do not even want to contact the single woman professional who they HATE and whose life they destroy, yet the government blindly believes its CUNNING CHEATER LIAR employees FAKING FRIENDSHIP to hire all the lazy greedy fraud girlfriends and associates of the fraud employees with ROBBED data, fake resumes, while denying the single woman professional the income and opportunities she deserved, criminally defaming, torturing her

it is time that the indian government ends the FAKE FRIENDSHIP FRAUD of the CUNNING CHEATER LIAR FRAUD top indian government employees on hardworking single woman professionals, investors who they HATE.

With his FAKE FRIENDSHIP FRAUD, top bengaluru brahmin cheater puneet denied his college classmate the income and opportunities she deserved

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Though top bengaluru brahmin cheater puneet like fraud top indian government employees j srinivasan, tushar parekh, vijay hated their female btech 1993 ee classmate and never ever contacted her, being extremely CUNNING CHEATERS, LIARS, they FAKED FRIENDSHIP for the single woman engineer, migrant from north karnataka , so they could misuse her name, rob almost everything she had including her resume, deny her the income and opportunities she deserved, destroying her life completely.

While most honest people will be honest enough to express their hatred for the person they dislike, and criticize the person, the CUNNING CHEATER LIAR top indian government employees are extremely ruthless in destroying the lives of people they HATE, FAKE FRIENDSHIP so that they can cause maximum harm without being questioned at all.
though the pet panaji CALL GIRL of the top indian government employees panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan like their other lazy greedy cheater girlfriends, associates was not interested in doing any computer work, not interested in paying for domains or other expenses, with their FAKE FRIENDSHIP FRAUD, the LIAR top indian government employees abused their powers to make fake claims about their pet panaji call girl sunaina, other girlfriends like the shameless greedy gujju fraud stock broker amita patel , associates to get them all government jobs with the ROBBED data of their female btech 1993 ee classmate who they HATED

though the massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY racket of the top indian government employees has been exposed, the indian government agencies raw/cbi refuse to correct their records, ROB the data of the single woman engineer to make fake claims about their goan call girl, sindhi school dropout and other lazy greedy fraud employees, pay the fraud employees monthly government salaries, while denying the single woman engineer, the income and opportunities she deserved, a life of dignity since LIAR government agencies continue to make fake claims about their goan call girl, sindhi school dropout, cheater housewife and other fraud employees who do not pay for domains including this and do not control it.

After bengaluru’s top cheater puneet ran his fake friendship fraud for 14 years, search engines now confirming friendship and hatred

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Most of the so called ‘junk’ content is because the indian government allowed its cunning cheater brahmin/bania employees to fake their friendship with the single woman engineer, domain investor they HATED for more than 14 years since 2010, without being questioned and refused to listen to the valid complaints of the single woman engineer, who was cheated, exploited,robbed and tortured because of the fake friendship fraud

Only in 2024, when the domain investor had left the metro city, goa, someone powerful enough had the honesty, humanity to monitor all the phone calls, correspondence and prove that there was no connection at all. In the metro city, goa, all the officials blindly believed the complete lies of cheater puneet, who is an excellent actor, excels in pretending help for a person he hates the most to destroy their life completely

Usually for most married people, when away from home, they will contact their spouse and children most often, the domain investor did not have anyone contacting her, other than investment related requests, exposing the fake friendship fraud of the mp,haryana, gujju, shivalli brahmin, goan officials. If there is really a boyfriend/girlfriend, there will at least make a few phone calls, send messages

It appears that the american companies like google,microsoft were shocked that they were duped by the fake friendship fraud for 14 years of the cunning cheater liar government employees led by bengaluru brahmin cheater puneet, j srinivasan, who actually HATED their btech 1993 ee classmate. So now it appears that the search engines took the effort to find out the real friends of the domain investor, though there is no connection online on Linkedin, Facebook. While checking Linkedin, the profile of some people who were fond of the domain investor were shown, showing that CIA is taking a lot of effort to track the domain investor.

Instagram account of panaji goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan deleted immediately after FAKE friendship fraud of top government employees exposed.

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Deletion of instagram account confirms that panaji goan bhandari cheater sunaina was the real sugar baby/girlfriend of top indian government employees, not the domain investor who they HATE.

Though the LIAR top indian government employees are falsely claiming that pet panaji CALL GIRL raw employee goan bhandari sunaina chodan who does not even have a computer at home and has never paid expenses is an online expert, domain investor to justify the great powers, monthly government salary which cheater sunaina is getting since 2010, in reality the CHEATER, LIAR top indian government employees are robbing the data of a hardworking single woman engineer who they HATE, to make fake claims about their sugar baby sunaina and other real girlfriends like panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, kolhapur sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani
To cover up their SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD, the CHEATER, LIAR top indian government employees are faking their relationship with hardworking single woman engineer who they HATE, FAKING help, and falsely claiming that they are paying expenses, when it can be legally proved they do not pay expenses at all.
Only when the father of the domain investor was seriously ill, some people noticed that the cunning cheater LIAR TOP government employees led by cheater puneet who were FAKING help for 14 years to cheat, exploit, rob her without being questioned, did not contact her at all, and that they were only faking help to rob, torture her without getting the necessary legal permissions.
They also realized that panaji goan bhandari cheater sunaina was the real sugar baby/girlfriend of top indian government employees, who were abusing their powers to make fake claims about shameless sunaina since 2012, get her great powers, monthly government salary. After their great relationship fraud on the single woman engineer was exposed, these cunning cheater top government employees told sunaina to delete her instagram account with her personal information and start promoting amazon products,.

After his relationship fraud to commit FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY was exposed,cruel brahmin cheater puneet increases his human rights abuses

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After his massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY since 2010 was exposed, cruel cunning cheater top government employee puneet commits human rights abuses daily
The powerful cruel cunning cheater top government employee puneet hated his female btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay , so to destroy her life completely he FAKED help to commit FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY , robbing her data to make fake claims about his lazy greedy liar girlfriends, associates getting them lucrative no work, no investment jobs in the indian internet sector at the expense of his female classmate.
While initially the gullible single woman engineer believed all the fake rumors, it is now clear that the cruel cunning cheater top government employee puneet HATED the single woman and wanted to destroy her reputation, health completely, so he faked help only misuse her name, cheat, exploit, rob her to the maximum extent possible.
After the single woman has wasted a lot of time exposing the financial fraud, government SLAVERY, finally a few people are realizing that powerful puneet is a very cunning cheater and he never helped the single woman at all. It appears that the cruel cunning cheater top government employee puneet is very upset that his extremely lucrative government SLAVERY racket is exposed and he is causing insomnia to the single woman engineer daily, not allowing her to sleep at night using the latest torture equipment to destroy her health.
Anyone who can help end the human rights abuses of cruel cunning cheater top government employee puneet , please contact at

CUNNING CRUEL brahmin cheater puneet FAKED his relationship with college classmate only to ROB everything from her

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Though the greedy fraud raw employees goan CALL GIRL siddhi mandrekar, haryana gurugram fraud mba ruchita kinge, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, never invested any money in domains at all, did not pay any expenses, they got great powers because of the great fraud of india’s top online fraudster government employee brahmin cheater LIAR puneet
The fraud LIAR top brahmin government puneet HATED his female btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay, a single woman engineer, domain investor and being one of the most dishonest cruel cheaters he faked his friendship and help for the single woman engineer so that he could ROB everything from her to become extremely rich and powerful and also make all his lazy greedy real girlfriend like siddhi mandrekar, ruchita kinge rich and powerful
though the fraud puneet and his CHEATER GIRLFRIENDS never paid any expenses and never did any computer work, being india’s top online fraudster for more than 14 years, the cheater puneet and his associates are DUPING countries, companies and people with fake stories about fraud raw employees ruchita kinge, siddhi mandrekar who refuse to purchase the domains.
The relationship, financial fraud of brahmin cheater government employee puneet has made his fraud girlfriend raw employee ruchita kinge extremely rich, she is leading a very lavish lifestyle, spending Rs one lakh every month, on holidays in india, dubai, yet she refuses to even purchase one domain legally in a major financial fraud.
Though haryana’s top fraud mba ruchita kinge is spending her time dancing on the beaches of goa with her husband, the indian government continues its fraud of falsely claiming that the haryana cheater is doing all the computer, writing work.
So now the cheater puneet has abused his powers and given all his lazy greedy fraud girlfriends control of text link advertising at the expense of his btech 1993 ee classmate and the real domain investor is making great losses due to the denial of opportunities which she deserved, financial fraud, government slavery of LIAR top indian government employee puneet
LIAR top government employee puneet also falsely claiming that the domains of his btech 1993 ee classmate belong to his greedy girlfriends when he and cheater girlfriends do not pay the credit card bill and other expenses, though they are always making fake claims to get great powers, indian government salaries.

with his FAKE FRIENDSHIP FRAUD, cunning cheater brahmin top government employee puneet has denied the domain investor all the opportunities she deserved

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The domain investor wishes to document how extremely CUNNNING CRUEL CHEATER brahmin government employees are running a massive FAKE FRIENDSHIP FRAUD on single woman engineers with a good JEE to rob everything from them and get their lazy greedy call girl, housewife and other fraud girlfriends lucrative no work no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector faking their resume, savings, bank account and are supported by the shameless cheater indian tech and internet companies – allegedly led by google,tata, cognizant in their fraud

The most cunning cruel cheater fraud liar government employees are from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay, puneet, j srinivasan, tushar parekh, vijay who are openly involved in a massive cybercrime, financial fraud, resume robbery on their harmless female classmate, a single woman engineer, to get their various lazy greedy fraud girlfriends like the greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan and others lucrative raw/cbi jobs faking domain ownership, online income and resume,
for example though bengaluru brahmin cheater raw employee nayanshre, haryana human monster ruchita kinge provided content for only a few months in 2011-12, due to the fraud of cheater puneet, these shameless cheaters are getting credit and monthly government salary since 2012,while the single woman is spending time writing is not getting anything due to criminal defamation of shameless shivalli brahmins, khatris cheaters and FAKE FRIENDSHIP FRAUD of cunning cheater brahmin government employee puneet
Similar goan CALL GIRL raw employees siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan never invested any money in domains, did not manage websites yet they got government jobs because of the FAKE FRIENDSHIP FRAUD of cunning cheater brahmin government employee puneet, j srinivasan
Though the greedy gujju stock trader raw employee amita patel like indore cheater deepika/veena, sindhi scammer naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, pune bank manager nikhil, goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro never paid any money for domains, due to the FAKE FRIENDSHIP FRAUD of cunning cheater brahmin government employee puneet all these frauds are getting monthly government salaries, while the single woman engineer is not getting anything despite spending a large amount every year for domains and other expenses.
Due to the FAKE FRIENDSHIP FRAUD of cunning cheater brahmin government employee puneet and others, the single woman engineer is losing Rs 15 lakh annually, yet the government agencies refuse to admit their mistake and correct it.
Though the favorite goan CALL GIRL of top indian government employee panaji goan bhandari raw employee sunaina chodan like indore’s top fraud housewife deepika/veena , goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro and other frauds do not do any computer work at all, cunning cheater brahmin government employee puneet continues to repeat his complete lies, DUPING countries, companies and people in the process