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Microsoft founder Bill Gates divorce highlights how Indian internet sector, government uses FAKE RELATIONSHIPS to commit FINANCIAL FRAUD on older single women professionals for 11 years

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Indian internet sector, government uses FAKE RELATIONSHIPS to commit FINANCIAL FRAUD on older single women professionals for 11 years
Microsoft founder Bill Gates divorce highlights how Indian internet sector, government uses FAKE RELATIONSHIPS to commit FINANCIAL FRAUD on older single women professionals for 11 years
Microsoft founder Bill Gates divorce from his wife of 27 years Melinda French highlights how Indian internet sector, government uses FAKE RELATIONSHIPS to commit FINANCIAL FRAUD, human rights abuses on older single women professionals like the goa 1989 jee topper, a harmless single woman engineer for 11 years without a legally valid reason, to CHEAT, EXPLOIT the single woman, destroy her reputation completely
Microsoft founder Bill Gates was married to his wife of 27 years Melinda French, when they decided they could not live together, they decided to separate. In case of the goa 1989 jee topper, the well paid powerful brahmin, bania ntro, raw, cbi employees especially the brahmin mhow monster puneet, have never interacted with the single woman engineer, yet are allowed to MISUSE her name to make claims about their lazy greedy call girl, fraud friends like siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, falsely claiming that the call girls and other friends who HATE the single woman , own her bank account, domains in a clear case of FINANCIAL FRAUD.
when the powerful ntro/raw employees do not want to interact with the domain investor, engineer, who they consider low status why are they MISUSING her name, why are they not honest that their girlfriend raw/cbi employees are only CALL GIRLS, housewives cooking, cleaning for crooked husbands, or frauds , why falsely claim ownership of domains, bank account of a single woman who they HATE
a domain investor having 500+ domains, short domains has some clout, similarly one of the most prolific writers in India also has some clout yet the indian internet sector, especially google, tata, jio are criminally defaming the single woman engineer, falsely claiming that the domains belong lazy greedy fraud liar call girl, cheater girlfriends when they do not pay for the domains, and also do not control them
Worldwide the domain investor is the person who is paying for and controlling the domains, why is the indian tech and internet sector making FAKE CLAIMS about lazy greedy goan call girls sunaina.siddhi supplied to ntro, raw, cbi employees for sex when the goan call girls and other fraud raw/cbi employees like goan gsb housewife robber riddhi nayak caro are not interested in legally purchasing the domains for more than 9 years.