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Indian, goan government falsely claims NTRO pet panaji CALL GIRL goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan without a computer is doing computer work at home

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To help tata, google avoid paying CALL GIRLS they supply to NTRO employees for SEX their fees for SEX SERVICES they provide to NTRO, raw employees from their million dollar profits, the Indian, goan government falsely claims NTRO’s pet panaji prostitute goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan without a computer is doing computer work at home
In reality, the NTRO employees led by brahmin j srinivasan who are enjoying FREE SEX with NTRO’s pet panaji prostitute goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan supplied to them by google, tata PIMPS are hacking the computers of a harmless hardworking single woman engineer and then falsely claiming that sunina, their pet panaji call girl , without a computer at home and her lazy fraud associates are doing the computer work
In reality NTRO’s pet panaji prostitute goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan is not doing any computer work at all, since tata, google, PIMPs are experts in marketing the CALL GIRLS they supply to ntro employees as internet experts, so that the indian government pays the call fees
BANK DETAILS, INCOME TAX RETURNS will legally prove that NTRO’s pet panaji prostitute goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan does not have any online income at all, yet google, tata PIMPS are the best MARKETING AGENCIES for CALL GIRLS in the world, so no one in the indian, goan government questions the tata, google, ntro employees for the fraud

This is another example of exploitation of older women

Indian internet sectors wants to falsely claim that married women with kids are superwomen exploiting, cheating hardworking single women

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One of the reasons why this webseries was started was because controlled by google, tata, the Indian internet sectors wants to falsely claim that married women with kids are superwomen doing the housework, cooking, computer, exploiting, cheating hardworking single women who are actually doing the computer work spending their time.
It is an indication of the worsening status of educated single women in India, that the well paid top officials do not think that there is anything wrong in defaming these hardworking single women as unskilled and idle to falsely give the housewives and call girls credit and monthly government salary without doing any kind of computer work at all.
The housewives are only cooking, housekeeeping, looking after their family, they are not doing any kind of computer work at all, yet the government agencies are encouraging these GREEDY HOUSEWIVES & their fraud husbands to cheat and exploit hardworking single women , who do not have any one to defend them.
These women have a good house, family, social status, why do they want to falsely claim website, BANK account ownership when they do not want to spend time and money.

Cobra bite murder of wife by private bank employee highlights the risk of marriage

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Private Bank employee murders wife with cobra while sleeping near Kollam, Kerala
Though the indian government allows security and intelligence agencies to waste crores of taxpayer money to harass single woman, the fact is that marriage is very risky.
If the husband does not like the wife, he can get the wife murdered using unusual methods, so that the murder is not detected like the snake murder in Kerala
The newspapers reported that a private Bank employee in Kollam, Kerala murdered his 25 year old wife Uthara using poisonous cobra to bite her while sleeping.
The murder was only detected when Uthara’s parents approached the police that they found the death suspicious since she had been bitten by a snake earlier also , a few months ago and recovered.
It was found that the husband purchased poisonous snakes , a Russell’s viper and cobra from a snake catcher. He kept the poisonous snakes in a bottle, and when his wife was sleeping he got the cobra to bite her to death.
The police claim that there are financial issues, yet the exact details are not provided.

In goa, phone calls of single women engineers diverted to CALL GIRL, ROBBER, cheater housewife raw/cbi employees without a legally valid reason

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One of the best indications that the condition of educated women in india, especially in goa is one of the worst in the world, is how In goa, phone calls of single women engineers diverted to CALL GIRL, ROBBER, cheater housewife raw/cbi employees without a legally valid reason.

the FRAUD LIAR relatives mandrekar, pritesh chodankar , husband caro, father nayak in goa security agencies of these CALL GIRL, ROBBER, cheater housewife raw/cbi employees like siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari sunaina chodan have CRIMINALLY DEFAMED the hardworking single woman engineer without any legally valid reason and think that REPEATING LIES like parrots for ten years will make them true

Goan SHAMELESS GREEDY robber queen LIAR FRAUD raw/cbi employees riddhi siddhi sunaina do not want to answer JEE, work as engineers or do any kind of computer work, or hire anyone to do the work.
Instead these GREEDY SHAMELESS goan fraud raw/cbi employees along with gujju school dropout naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil only hysterically defame hardworking citizens, and FALSELY CLAIM to own their paypal, bank account and domains which are exposing their fraud

When these fraud raw/cbi employees are not on talking terms with the single woman engineer, why are the phone calls of the engineer diverted to these frauds, why is she not treated like other citizens. This is a major problem, since even outgoing phone calls are blocked by raw/cbi/ntro in panaji, the engineer has to personally visit every place

Though these LIAR RAW/cbi employees are high status, the domain investor does not care for them since they are LIARS, it is a clear case of exploitation, cheating and human rights abuses on a single woman engineer without a legally valid reason

GREEDY SHAMELESS cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, reason why portuguese passport is recommended for citizens of goa by goa education board

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Indian security and intelligence agencies should realize that the complaints on this website series are mainly because of the terrible living and business conditions in goa, with the corrupt LIAR goan intelligence and security agencies like nayak, caro, mandrekar, goan bhandari pritesh chodankar COMMITTING HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES, ROBBERY on harmless indian citizens without a court order so that their relatives like riddhi nayak caro can run an EXTORTION RACKET

Though the goan mainstream media does not carry the news because they rely on government advertising, in goa, everyone knows that the top officials like nayak, caro, mandrekar, goan bhandari pritesh chodankar are shameless cheaters, liars and frauds, due to which there are no jobs in goa except for those who are well connected, hardworking, meritorious citizens are HUMILIATED, CHEATED & EXPLOITED by government officials
Even the goa education board has recommended portuguese passport for students in goa, because there are no jobs in goa, for those who do not have any influence or money since corrupt officials like nayak, caro, mandrekar, goan bhandari pritesh chodankar make it impossible to run a business, blocking even the phone calls of business owners in panaji, goa

Instead of commending the goa board for being honesty about the business, job conditions in goa, the goa media and politicians are criticizing the goa board. When the domain investor lived outside goa, she did not face these problems

Indian government wastes Rs 5 crore of taxpayer money annually to commit human rights abuses, fraud on goa 1989 jee topper

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Indicating the terrible plight of women professionals in India, especially single women engineers with a good JEE rank, since 2010, the Indian government wastes Rs 5 crore of taxpayer money annually to commit human rights abuses, fraud on goa 1989 jee topper, a harmless single woman engineer and private citizen without a legally valid reason

The male btech 1993 ee classmates from india’s top engineering college led by mhow monster puneet, tushar parekh, j srinivasan, vijay working in ntro, raw, cbi all hate the single woman engineer, so to ROB everything from her and destroy her life, they are making HYSTERICALLY fake allegations without any legally valid reason since 2010. These well paid raw/cbi employees have not interacted with the engineer at all, yet are making fake allegations out of HATRED & GREED.

Initially the cunning SOCIOPATH LIAR fraud ntro/raw employees FAKED HELP for the single woman engineer who they hated so that they could MISUSE her name. After robbing everything from her in 2015, the fraud raw/ntro employees are open in their HATRED of the engineer, yet the indian government allows these SOCIOPATH LIAR raw/ntro employees to waste Rs 5 crore of taxpayer money only for personal HATRED annually for more than ten years

Cheating online, robbery, exploitation, DUMPED

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The indian tech and internet companies are openly involved in a massive FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD older hardworking single women professionals, with ntro, raw, cbi employees FAKING their relation with women who they HATE, so that they can MISUSE their name.
Then these well paid, powerful ntro employees led by mhow monster puneet are ROBBING everything after FAKING HELP from these single women like their resume, savings, correspondence, memory to pamper, reward LAZY GREEDY CALL GIRLS like sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, well connected cheater, robber housewives and other frauds to get all these frauds raw/cbi jobs at the expense of the woman professional.

After they have robbed everything from the single woman professional, the ntro/raw employees are honest that they HATE the professional who they FAKED HELP. Though the well paid indian government employees have DUMPED the woman professional, their lazy greedy girlfriends get monthly salaries for years with the STOLEN RESUME, SAVINGS in a government FINANCIAL FRAUD

The government refuses to investigate the PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT of its LIAR WELL PAID employees. Other victims, especially single older women can send an email to