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Lazy greedy sugar babies of NTRO/R&AW employees do not want to spend any time writing, money so these FRAUD raw/ntro employees FAKE their relationship with older women they HATE to get their girlfriends monthly salaries

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In one of the greatest online frauds of well paid powerful indian government employees especially NTRO/RAW employees led by the mhow monster puneet, their lazy greedy girlfriends and sugar babies like slim goan bhandari R&AW employee fraud sunaina chodan, cbi employee robber riddhi nayak caro, do not want to spend any time writing, money on computers, domains, webhosting and other expenses, yet want to get credit, monthly government salaries

So these cunning ntro/raw employees are FAKING their relationship with older single women domain investors, who they HATE, have never contacted any time in their life, only so that they can MISUSE her name, making FAKE CLAIMS and get monthly salaries for their real girlfriends at the expense of the older single woman domain investor, whose life they wish to destroy.

The well paid ntro/raw, google, tata employees are falsely claiming that owning a domain is a great privilege, when actually anyone including the LIAR tata employees can purchase any domain not registered for Rs 1000-1500 and do whatever they wish, develop a website or resell the domain. For developing a website, time is required for the content and other aspects, which the well paid tata employees are least interested in doing, and do not allow other indian citizens to develop without harassing and defaming them.