Can the indian government explain why the brahmin fraud ntro employee puneet did not allow the goa 1989 jee topper to defend herself against the FAKE ALLEGATIONS of his fraud friends for ten years
Though the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman is one of the largest female domain investors in India, and also a very prolific writer, the indian and state government are refusing to acknowledge her investment, writing skills, hard work for the last ten years citing all the google, tata sponsored FRAUD LIARS who are making completely fake allegations against her without any legally valid proof
The single woman engineer would like the indian government to explain why the well paid cunning indian government employee, brahmin fraud ntro employee puneet did not allow the goa 1989 jee topper to defend herself against the FAKE ALLEGATIONS of his fraud friends for ten years , so that she could clear her name, and get the income and opportunities she deserved and prevent further fake allegations in future
The brahmin fraud ntro employee puneet, had never interacted with the goa 1989 jee topper for more than 25 years, in college, vrushali b from pune, was puneet’s girlfriend, so there was no reason why the ntro employee was allowed to interfere in the life of a single woman he clearly hated to destroy her life, reputation completely, MISUSE her name
Now after its well paid employees were directly responsible for the criminal defamation, the indian government is again trying to CHEAT, EXPLOIT the single woman, using the fake allegations which is extremely unfair to her, when it does not have the humanity or honesty to provide details of the frauds making fake allegations against the single woman
when the well paid ntro, raw, cbi employees do not want to contact the single woman, why are they interfering in her life, robbing her correspondence ?